We provide specialised procurement services
Amplify Procurement provide specialised procurement services that support our clients to achieve their targets and get the job done.
Not Your Typical Procurement Consultancy
Consultancy is changing! Amplify are not your typical consultancy. Yes we do love a fancy slide and we do wear blue suits however we are much more than that.
Our Services
Identifying and implementing tangible benefits through better category management
Developing people, processes and systems to advance procurement maturity
Enabling the digitalisation of procurement infrastructure with an independent approach
Building sustainable supply partnerships and mitigating supply chain risks
How We Work
We provide specialist resources through a flexible people subscription model to Amplify your existing procurement function.
We provide teams of specialist resources to undertake strategic procurement projects and transformation programs.
Managed Service
We provide procurement services on a managed services basis providing you with longer term access to dedicated procurement resources and tools.
- Flexible and scalable support on a single day-rate
- Quick start up
- Joint activity workplans and KPI setting
- Cancel anytime
- Fixed cost with milestone payments
- Phased approach
- Single project or program of work
- Option for performance related fees
- Fixed monthly cost
- Longer term support
- 100% onshore resourcing
- Access to wider Amplify infrastructure
Our Sectors
We specialise in the following sectors
Who we help:
- Public health agencies
- Private hospitals
- Primary care providers
- Health funds
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Who we help:
- Retailers
- FMCG manufacturers
- Distributors
- Suppliers
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Who we help:
- Tech/IT organisations
- Digital Innovators
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Who we help:
- Entertainment venues
- Hotels
- Resorts
- Restaurants
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Who we help:
- Educational institutions
- Educational support organisations
- Supplementary education providers
- Government agencies and departments
- EdTech organisations
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Private Equity
Who we help:
- Portfolio companies of Private Equity organisations
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Financial Services
Who we help:
- Banks
- Lenders
- Insurers
- Superannuation providers
- Investment managers
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none"> <path d="M18.75 13.0784C17.19 13.505 16.25 14.7034 16.25 15.8334C16.25 16.9634 17.19 18.1617 18.75 18.5867V13.0784ZM21.25 21.4134V26.92C22.81 26.495 23.75 25.2967 23.75 24.1667C23.75 23.0367 22.81 21.8384 21.25 21.4134Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M36.6667 20C36.6667 29.205 29.205 36.6667 20 36.6667C10.795 36.6667 3.33334 29.205 3.33334 20C3.33334 10.795 10.795 3.33337 20 3.33337C29.205 3.33337 36.6667 10.795 36.6667 20ZM20 8.75004C20.3315 8.75004 20.6495 8.88174 20.8839 9.11616C21.1183 9.35058 21.25 9.66852 21.25 10V10.5284C23.9667 11.015 26.25 13.0567 26.25 15.8334C26.25 16.1649 26.1183 16.4828 25.8839 16.7173C25.6495 16.9517 25.3315 17.0834 25 17.0834C24.6685 17.0834 24.3505 16.9517 24.1161 16.7173C23.8817 16.4828 23.75 16.1649 23.75 15.8334C23.75 14.7034 22.81 13.505 21.25 13.0784V18.8617C23.9667 19.3484 26.25 21.39 26.25 24.1667C26.25 26.9434 23.9667 28.985 21.25 29.4717V30C21.25 30.3316 21.1183 30.6495 20.8839 30.8839C20.6495 31.1183 20.3315 31.25 20 31.25C19.6685 31.25 19.3505 31.1183 19.1161 30.8839C18.8817 30.6495 18.75 30.3316 18.75 30V29.4717C16.0333 28.985 13.75 26.9434 13.75 24.1667C13.75 23.8352 13.8817 23.5172 14.1161 23.2828C14.3505 23.0484 14.6685 22.9167 15 22.9167C15.3315 22.9167 15.6495 23.0484 15.8839 23.2828C16.1183 23.5172 16.25 23.8352 16.25 24.1667C16.25 25.2967 17.19 26.495 18.75 26.92V21.1384C16.0333 20.6517 13.75 18.61 13.75 15.8334C13.75 13.0567 16.0333 11.015 18.75 10.5284V10C18.75 9.66852 18.8817 9.35058 19.1161 9.11616C19.3505 8.88174 19.6685 8.75004 20 8.75004Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
Who we help:
- Government bodies
- Public agencies
- Organisations across all levels of government
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Who we help:
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